Stop calling Duelists "DPS"
everyone calling vanguards tanks, and duelists dps. this is silly. every char in the game can deal significant damage. quite often, vanguards are at the top of the board with damage dealt (especially groot because it doesn't count his wall damage???). strategists are healers, yes, but calling them "support" isnt specific enough as vanguards are also support heavy characters, and some duelists focus on stuns/debuffs, which is supportive focused gameplay. the reason that "triple support" (meaning 3 strategists) is so good is not solely because they are near unkillable, its that they are each dealing damage. a good strategist might have the 2nd highest kill count and the highest assist count on the board.
duelists are called duelists because theyre built to win most 1v1 encounters aka DUELS. clue is in the name.
vanguards are about controlling space. they aren't necessarily about being a damage sponge because its pvp, players can just ignore the vanguard therefore meaning they're not tanking. captain america for example dives in and dashes out, hes helping create a distraction for the diving duelists and rest of his team to pick off the enemy back line. peni parker is a ranged dps imho, not a tank. shes a cc focused character. her webs and mines create safe areas for allies and dangerous areas for enemies, while her stun helps quickly eliminate individuals or at least render them useless for a sec. strange is a tank. his whole is to absorb damage, get in your face, and do some nice burst damage to combo when necessary.
strategists are healers, yes. mostly, anyway. mantis offers some fantastic damage boosts, and cloak & dagger offers a nasty effective damage boost... but as theyre the only class that can reliably heal allies, yes, strategists are healers.
tl;dr - everyone can be good dps, vanguards arent necessarily damage sponges, and strategists ARE healers