My dad thinks being anything other than straight or cisgender is an illness

He thinks straight people are the only normal ones, he said "a lot of you kids today are irregular and weird, half of y'all are gay!" Which is wrong. At my school, I'd say that there's about 3 to 8 LGBT kids in each grade, which is more than the past, but I think thatpeople are just way more happy to be out around this time. He calls gays by the f slur which seriously breaks my heart and pisses me off. He thinks trans people are ill, and that anyone who identify as anything another than cis male or female is a mental case. He thinks being queer is choice.why would we choose to be an oppressed minority? Why??? We obviously didn't choose this. I know this is kind of a rant. I know y'all gonna say I just need to ignore homophobes, which I do and all. But they just get so under my skin anymore and anti lgbtqia rhetoric is on the rise. It just makes me so unhappy. Sorry if j made this a rant but the fact that I'll never be able to be completely naked me feel so pressured and hidden and it makes me feel extremely sad