Introducing YearIn.LoL - Your personalized League of Legends 2022 wrap-up
Hi everyone,
TL;DR: Check out!
We know everyone is excited about the new 2v2v2v2 gamemode that’s coming to League, but we thought you might be interested in what you did last year. And ohhhhhhh, you did so much.
We downloaded every SINGLE game from 2022, archiving every single one of your hard-earned Disco Nunu deaths and Katarina pentakills. Shockingly, our data set doesn’t include any wards placed by marksmen.
We have all the standard numbers you expect - KDA, most kills, most kills on average per game, etc. But you’re here for the good stuff.
A list of the most played champions on YearIn.LoL
Main a single role? You might be interested in:
- Healing - We can definitively locate the greatest Soraka in existence.
- Tower damage - To account for the angriest ragesplitters.
- Spell casts - Definitely not for Ryze. This one is dedicated to Master Yi mains who carry the burden of spamming Q.
- Time spent alive and dead - Remember, everyone contributes to a team game! Some people play Karthus :)
Other features worth noting:
- We’ve made several different leaderboards from this data as well. We think getting rank 1 shouldn’t all be about LP gains - some people just wanna get a lot of pentakills, y’know?
- Multisearch: Play with your friends on one account and with your team on another? Get a look at all your stats all in one view at the same time.
- We’ll make you a shiny infograph summarizing all your stats that you can use to show off how many buttons you pressed last year. Certified 100% better than cookies.
How to use the site:
- If you’re a marksman main, you can point-and-click this link: Spellcasters should open a new tab and type the URL in instead, to focus more on pressing keys.
- You’ll see TWO things you can do there:
- Interested in the leaderboard? The portal will be waiting for you on the bottom of the page
A screenshot showing the bottom two options on the front page
- Interested in your own journey? Click the button “Let the timewarp begin”
- We’ve also linked some summaries of pro player accounts, so feel free to click those instead.
- Enjoy the ride!
A screenshot of the front page text
We’d like to thank you for making it this far down. This is our first year doing this, and we have a lot of plans for next year. If you have any kind of input on what kind of data you’d like to see in the next iteration (or just any features you think are worthy to be on the site), please let us know. We have a dedicated contact page where you can find our Discord and Twitter links, or you can stick to old-fashioned Reddit and we’ll do our best to reply to every single one of your comments in this thread.
EDIT: We are aware of an issue where multisearch results can vary depending on which account was the first account and we are working on fixing that. We apologize for the inconvenience! :/