Camilla roasted on snap today for claiming it's better to not send children to daycare

Did anyone else see this today?

Camilla went on a long rant about not sending kids to daycare until they are "2-3" years old, not understanding the extremely privileged position she is in. She got lots of replies calling her out on her bullshit. Cue lots of insensitive replies from her with absolutely no sources behind her claims (one person asked, and she said "google it", LMAO). One of my favourite replies to her (that she actually replied to) was something along the lines of : "We regular people have kids at daycare, because we actually have to work". If she's intending for Julie to stay home and caretake the "4" kids they are planning on for 2-3 years each then she's going to be housebound for a very very long time...

100% delulu