18 months without full time employment. Good news / Bad news.

I’ve been without full time employment for the last 18 months. I have a business that’s failing and will possibly be sold or closed soon.Mostly selling due to a likely conflict of interest with the new employer. I have been working two part time jobs with very low hours, especially over the holidays and this month. These part time jobs have only brought income the last 8 months or so. I’ve applied for so many jobs and have only had 3 interviews in this time.

Good news. I finally made it through 4 interviews with a great company and for a position that I’m strongly suited for. They have offered me the job and I have accepted the position.

Bad news. I was helping a friend and his wife with her wheelchair today. Simplest of things. Just pushing her over a bump in the snow and small sidewalk curb. Chair went one way. My arm turned the other way. Heard a pop and felt pain. I didn’t let them know that I had pulled something. Simply out of concern that they would feel bad about something so silly.

Just left the ER. Ruptured tendons in my left lower arm affecting both lower arm and bicep.

I have already started the onboarding process and have signed paperwork (digital) with expected start date of 2/3.

Just venting. I’m worried how this will affect my onboarding and the possibility of having the offer rescinded. Worried about the background check.

Happy thoughts, encouragement and advice appreciated.