Please read, I’m begging for help.
I’m sorry this is so long but please please read and respond I need help.
***Trigger warning***
I don’t really know what I’m looking for from this and I don’t really know where to start. Long story short my mother is a bipolar drug addict and has done every single drug known to man. However she’s currently only using alcohol, oxy’s and benzos. I’m the youngest of 5, all other 4 off my siblings are older and live out of the house now (aging from 32-20). We’ve all been removed from the house and taken by child services at one point or another, however my mother never regained custody of my brother and I haven’t seen him in about 10 years now. That’s all just background information. What I need advice on right now is this. Today my mother was yelling at my father (my father is a great man we love him) and she was threatening to kill herself and saying about how no one loves her, xyz. My father said that maybe people would love her if she stopped doing drugs/drinking. To which my mother started punching my father and hurting him, and my father just stood there and took the beating because he refuses to hit a women even if it’s in self defense. There was an incident last year where my mother locked my dad in and started hitting him so much she gave him a black eye and then got a knife and put it in my fathers hands and begged and cried screaming for him to stab her and end her life. (He obviously didn’t) but he ran out the house when he had the chance leaving me there alone and my mother ended up choking me and pushing me into the windows screaming for me to jump out and kill myself saying she wants me to die. Sorry I keep getting so off topic I just have never been able to talk about this before and need to get it out. Back to today, apparently my mother got in touch with a new drug dealer less than 5 miles away from where we live. We’re supposed to see my brother for the first time in 10 years in 3 days. My mother did heroin for the first time in 20 years today. She said that she will be using it again, and that after we see my brother she’s going to give herself 5 days, she said that she is going to shoot as much heroin, smoke as much weed, drink as much alcohol, pop as many pills, as she can in those 5 days and if she dies, then she dies and that’s just how she goes, if she lives, then she’ll go to rehab. When I heard her say this I threw up. I’m not even joking I ran to the toilet as fast as I could. (By the way she’s saying this to my dad in the living room and I’m standing at the top of the stairs listening.) I genuinely do not know what to do. How am I supposed to live like this? What are those 5 days gonna look like for me? What is this next week gonna look like? Let’s be real she’s not gonna go to rehab and if she does she’s not gonna stay clean. In my lifetime she has been to rehab probably 60 times, she’s been to probably 45 mental hospitals, and in the hospital from drugs related reasons more times than I can count. My life is miserable with her in it, but I also don’t want my mother to die. I know she’s never shown it to me, but deep down she has to be a good person. Deep down my mother isn’t evil. Deep down she isn’t what she’s shown me. Whenever I think about her dying I can’t help but want to save the little girl that was once her. That little girl from 40 years would be petrified if she saw what she turned out to be. I know I’ve been severally physically and mentally abused by her, but that’s not her. That’s just the mental illness and drugs, deep down I know I have a mommy who loves her babygirl and wants to be the best mom she can be to her. I want to have my mom see me graduate, and i have zero idea how I’m going to go to school and take my tests and do class work acting like everything is just okay.
I know someone’s probably thinking “You need to tell your mom how you feel.” I’ve tried. I’ve tried time and time again it doesn’t work she doesn’t listen to anyone.
You’re also probably thinking “Why hasn’t your dad left with you?” It’s not that easy. We’ve tried, we can’t. When I turn 18 and can leave. You best believe I’ll be gone the second I can.
Edit: For everyone saying call the police, send her to rehab, call some type of higher authority, when she gets back she will hurt me. Even if I report it anonymously somehow she’ll find out it was me or just assume so and I’ll end up hurt. I know from prior experiences.