Why indian parents and relatives trying to micromanage everything you do

I'm a girl in my early 20s in india just like every one I have my dreams and goals to chase but i know my parents or relatives will never support my dreams nor do I expect them to, but there's this one uncle who's like the head of our family, everytime he visits me the first thing he asks is why I'm not wearing any jewels..I was tired of telling him I'd love to when I feel like it or when i go outside but he insists on forcing his outdated tradition that girls should wear jewels at home atleast a little stud, I'm not against wearing it but the need for others to micromanage even this silly thing does not sit right with me.. And when I try to talk to my parents about it my mom took stand for my uncle and defended him saying he was right that wearing jewels brings out the beauty, my uncle is old and innocent he cares for me and she blamed herself that she's responsible for me becoming "like this" and her upbringing is not good, it's not even about the jewels but about control, manipulation and micromanaging my life ...