Gibson Garage?
I lived in Nashville for years and sadly (I miss it so much) they didn’t open the Gibson Garage till after I moved away. Though I’ve been back to Nashville a handful of times since moving away, I’ve yet to make the voyage to the Gibson Garage. Well I just booked a trip back for this April and am planning on going this time. I’m not sure I’ll buy a guitar on the visit. But I’m going into with optimism. My question is, what kind of selection do they have on had that I’d be able to walk out the door with? Do they have any of their “Demo” models? Or “used” options? I’d love to find a Vintage Burst 345 or maybe a satin Vintage Burst 335. Maybe something else just catches my eye/ear. Do they haggle at all on their sticker prices? Regardless if I walk away with something or leave empty handed, I’m really excited to see it. Just don’t want to go in with too high of expectations. Thanks.