Nuxia: the good and the...very bad.

Nuxia is simultaneously really fun and unique, but also maybe the most painful hero to play. Traps are a nice 1v1 tool, but she can easily get interrupted in 4s and she has both mediocre feats (outside of Caltrops) and and a painfully mediocre deflect, I think the worst in the game.

Traps are, of course, a really strong tool to have and her damage output is high because of them. Also, if she can hit a heavy finisher, she can potentially get a wallsplat for a free heavy and she can continue her chain. There's also her parry light which has 3 extra damage compared to a normal light. Buuuuut...well, due to having a bad deflect and her 4s being painful, she barely gets played. Not to mention that her new zone seems to arguably be a downgrade at times.

What fixes could she use? Imo her zone trap animation could at least be faster, that's one thing. Also, buff her deflect by a good amount: either more damage (maybe 24 or 25 instead of 20) or make it break hyper armor. I also think tier 3 and tier 4 feats should probably be fully reworked. Not sure how though.