Why did ubisoft near abandon this masterpiece of a game?

I can say without a doubt in my head, that if For Honor was released today, it would be atleast nominee for GOTY. This game was released at the wrong time, by the wrong greedy company that abandons games is they see fit. The single player of this game? Absolute cinema. Multiplayer was gas before but now it feels miserable to play for reasons that coudlve been avoided if Ubisoft bothered to give this game the breath of life it deserves. The graphics of this game can still hold up today, the game is absolutely stunning for a 8 year old title. I wish there were more single player games just like this, but unfortunately for now, i can only replay the singleplayer mode of this game again, and again, and again until someone finally releases a game that lets me be a badass knight and lead huge armies to battle.