Does Islam make you less able to develop mentally?

For context I wasn't a born Muslim, I converted in my teens and it took me a long time to get out and I'm so glad I did. So, I ask this question because I was waiting for a train last week. I heard 2 Muslim hijabi women (university age+) talking and they were talking about boys. "How do you know he likes you?" "Oh does your sister know you like him?" "What will you do to let him know you like him hehehe?" It reminded me of when I when I was in primary school, around 6-10 years old, how girls and boys talked then. That got me thinking about Muslim beliefs such as the splitting of the moon, the night journey, angels helping in battle etc. So do these beliefs stop Muslim minds from growing in to real mature adult minds?

Edit: There is no judgement on the girls I heard talking, it's a general question about if islamic beliefs keep a person immature in life. It is not about intelligence at academic subjects either.