EGPU that doubles as a dock?

I have a top line Surface Pro 9, and will move to the 12 for business eventually,

Im overhauling my entire office space this year, and am wondering, is their an EGPU enclosure that doubles as a dock with lots of USB powered ports etc for other devices? Im aiming for the single cable experience when docking the Surface Pro, I dont want to connect the surface dock AND an EGPU, though I guess I could daisy chain a thunderbolt surface dock, to a new eGPU, or vice versa...

kids use my Surface Pro for light gaming (old Homeworld 2 remaster downscaled resolution for example) , but im going to a 5k 45inch oled when they become available this year, and trying to figure out if I can keep my 38 inch ultrawide in a vertical position, so wondering how much desktop performance might benefit from extra oomph and speed in this regard going to something with 12-16GB of DEDICATED RAM. For reference, im using 5.8GB VRAM right now in the desktop working, and 32GB of RAM total is maxxing out...) so I think there might be even worse VRAM with a bigger screen, and if can keep both... well my 32GB Ram total would be getting choked out.

So Im thinking of gettting something that can handle the 7600xt or intel A770 (underdogs need love) as they are cheap, add 16GB VRAM and more for the occasional gaming....

Whats the experts thoughts?

I used to be a hardware geek, but grinding a business from the ground up, and 4 kids means I dont weeks of spare time to research like I did in my youth....