Should I hire a lawyer for my IPO hearing?

I take my ex to court for an IPO hearing on Wednesday this week and today I consult with an attorney for legal advice regarding the hearing. I could hire her to come to the hearing, however, her rates are expensive. I’m wondering if you guys think it’s worth it. I’m appointed a DV advocate in the court but they have not reached out to me yet. I have evidence against my ex pertaining to his harassment and stalking via blocked voicemails (towards me) and older messages of his homicidal urges toward his ex-girlfriend. No direct physical violence towards me nor threats to harm me. I think my collection of evidence is decent, but I’m scared shitless. The last thing I wanted to do was fight him in a courtroom. What do you suggest? Let me know any stories, experiences, if you needed an attorney at the hearing or not, etc. Thanks so much.