Got my audiology done yesterday and I'm 90% gone

Sigh. I don't even know how to explain this. I'm bilateral hoh and two years ago my deafness had reached 65-70%. I got an audiogram done yesterday because I needed to get my hearing aisa reprogrammed. They asked me if I'm not using my aids regularly, i was surprised because I literally cannot survive without them in the outside world. They said the loss has increased to 90% now.

I don't know. I have to support system I don't know who to tell or express this to. I'm all on my own in this. Worst part of all this is that I made a recent purchase of my right side hearing aid from anotner clinic and they scammed me. Basically that model is only effective for people with 60-70% loss and the max decibels this aid can go is 100-110. And my loss is 90. And I really arranged alot of money to afford this model from Widex. I'm so devastated. They just seemed to care about their business. She was ready to sell the most latest and most expensive Widex model to me and convinced me as well. I can't believe it.

The only kind that suit me are bte ones and she sold me the ric ones which are clearly not suitable for my loss.

I don't know how to deal with both these things.