Crows attack another crow

This happened yesterday a few hours after I placed I put my daily peanuts out for the crows.

There were about 7 or 8 crows grazing on the ground by the platform feeder. A few more on the platform and some in the trees nearby.
This other crow lands on the sidewalk and the crows in my yard gang up on him. I work from home so I happened to walk past my winow moments later, which sometimes spooks them, and they all flew off. I didn't even know it was happening!

I know these are wild animals and if they are going to kill another animal, bird, or crow, they will, but is there anything I can do to deter this behavior? I obviously don't want one to die, but I also worry about having a dead crow on my property and then disposing of him would be tricky too I reckon for the other crows to see me with a dead one.

Should I hold off on feeding them for a few days to start? I don't want the others to start a grudge against me either.

It has been very cold here -15°F, so I am sure these dudes really want their peanuts.

I have fed them for a few years now and never had this issue.

(P.s. sorry for the crooked view. My camera usually faces the platform feeder but my dogs like to stick their snoots in the window where the camera is and bump it from time to time)