Coworkers accuse me of being unapproachable, when they are the ones talking about me behind my back and getting snippy with me.
I’ve caught them whispering about me, I’ve caught them insulting me on their Teams chat. And God only knows what they say when I’m not around. Meanwhile I stay as far out of office gossip as humanly possible.
They treat me like I should read their minds. A customer called today, there was no file for him and no one left him a voicemail. Yet I was supposed to somehow just know which one of my coworkers called him. How? There’s no file, therefore no notes, and no one left him a voicemail. Unlike them, I don’t hone in on their phone conversations. I guess they assume because they listen to mine, I listen to theirs. Well, I don’t. I do a little thing called, My Own Job.
Since I am quieter and choose to keep to myself, I try to be as polite and nice as possible. I don’t actually want to come off as unapproachable. I make sure to say “good morning” to them both every day. I am happy to help if they need me for something. Yet if I need their help with something? Or if I forget to say “good morning” once?
If I catch a mistake one of them makes, if I can, I just quietly fix it. If it becomes an issue I address it as respectfully as I can. I don’t single anyone out. But if I make a mistake? My name is practically dragged through the mud. It’s like they can’t wait to bring my mistakes out into the open.
They’re always changing what they want me doing/not doing. I feel set up for failure. “Just have Betty do claims from now on.” Gives claim to Betty. “Not that kind of claim!” Or “Just give one of us trailer quotes.” Gives one of them trailer quote. “Can’t you just do this?” Sure but I might need a little help since I very rarely do these. “Nevermind. I’ll just do it!” What the hell do you want? If I do what you ask. It’s wrong. And if I do what you don’t ask, I guarantee that will be wrong.
But somehow I’m the unapproachable one. I’m the one that’s difficult to work with. And I get accused by them of the exact things they do to me. I don’t get this. And every single thing I do and say can and will be used against me. I’m afraid to sneeze too loud because I feel like they’d have something to say about it. I mean, why not? They’ve already said things about my voice…
I just don’t want to be accused of “creating a hostile work environment.” Definitely not creating one. I’m reacting to one.