Would you quit the job that is emotionally affecting you without having another job lined up especially considering the current job market?
It's been more than 2 years now and I still can't decide if I should quit my job or not. The only thing keeping me here is the fact that I earn more money than any other job related to the law in my city (I work as a clerk at a court of law).
I recently intervied for the only company that actually gave me the opportunity to interview and the salary was very low (close to the minimum wage) considering that it was a compliance job (or so they said).
I have been applying to different jobs in the last few years and never got a chance so I continued staying here. This job makes me feel miserable, constantly burnt out, stressed and unhappy. The worst part is that I realized that I'm not good at this job. I'm always drowning in piles of work documents and never get to see the end of it. I also can't manage to do my work on time and I feel like an imposter.
The worst thing is that I am scared to quit because there are some people here that are kind of encouraging me to continue and not give up and also I'm scared because I might not find another job very soon. So far, besides the compliance job offer, no company I applied to showed interest in giving me an interview.
Staying at this job doesn't get me any skills and is literally making me mentally ill. Because it's a job in the legal field, some coworkers and superiors view this jobs a "a job for life" and everyone keeps telling me I have no other opportunity if I leave here or that I might regret it. Some other people told me that I will be doing this until retirement. So they don't seem to even grasp or accept the idea of someone quitting a job like this. This puts further pressure on me, as I have no idea what I want to do next. I'm scared to quit because what if I won't find another job and they're right and I might regret quitting? I'm 29 and it feels like I should've had things figured out by now. Now I'm just lost and have no direction. I don't know what to do.