Does anyone else's 5 month old struggle to have longer wake windows?
Apparently he should be able to have wake windows of 2-3 hours. I can't even imagine him being awake for 3. He was starting to have 2 hour wake windows but then he caught a cold, then a cough and now he's teething.
Because of that he's usually exhausted by one hour in to being awake. We have tried to encourage him to stay awake longer but there's only so much we can keep him awake. If he's fussing then we can distract him but if he's crying then he obviously needs sleep.
We managed to get one 2 hour wake window today which is something. He has done 1.5/1.5/2/1.5. Did anyone else's baby just take a little longer to be awake more? Does anyone else's baby also get very fussy after only 45 minutes - 1 hour being awake?
I want to follow my babies pace but I also just want to make sure he's heading in the right direction.