desert island plugins challenge

If you had to strip down your plug-in folder to the bare essentials for mixing / mastering what would be your picks for:

  • 3 compressors
  • 1 limiter
  • 1 multi-band
  • 1 eq
  • 1 reverb
  • 1 delay
  • 1 modulation
  • 2 harmonics
  • 1 utility

daw plugins count as a choice! feel free to switch in a hardware unit for any of the plug-in choices. also you are free to do less of any category if you think you could go without

My choices are:

Compressors - SSL Native Bus Comp 2, UAD Distressor, Kazrog True Dynamics

Limiter - Fabfilter Pro L2

Mulitband - Fabfilter Pro MB

EQ - Fabfilter Pro Q4

Reverb - Fabfilter Pro R2

Delay - Ableton Echo

Modulation - IK T-RackS Leslie

Harmonics - Fabfilter Saturn 2, PSP Vintage Warmer 2

Utility - Izotope Ozone Imager