[Spoilers EXTENDED] Do we actually know if Daemon Blackfyre actually did intend to press his claim?

So I've been on a blackfyre binge for the past few days now and I've been reading a lot on the lore and one thing that shocked me is we never have clear and full proof reason that daemon did play to press his claim. A few things we gotta clear up first, bloodraven was the one to tell Daeron that Daemon intended to press his claim. Kingsaurd were then sent to arrest Daemon and Daemon escaped Kings Landing with the help of his friends and supporters.

So a couple things strike me as odd in this story mainly with bloodraven and daemon. Bloodraven never liked Bittersteel and had beef with him almost all their lives. Bloodraven was known to be quite suspicious of everyone he deemed a threat to the royal family and we know after the blackfyre rebellions he became tyrannical and authoritarian in his suppression of descendants. He killed a blackfyre claimant who did not intend on pressing his claim through war but through electoral means, he would spy on and even partake in treasonous activities like the tourney at Whitewalls where it's speculated he actually attended it in a disguise, he slew Daemon Blackfyre during the red grass field even though he was participating in a duel and has won and was honorably ushering his enemy to his maester and we know while he did that no one tried to attack to kill either dueler except bloodraven so this had to be some sort of dishonorable act. Point is bloodraven loves preemptive action, he prefers taking down threats before they actually pose a threat so why would he not spew lies in Daerons ear about Daemon intending to press his claim.

Speaking of Daemon, the entire plot of daemons attempted usurpation kind of makes no sense. It is theorized that Daemon pressed his claim thanks to bittersteel pushing him to and Daeron refusing to let him take Denaerys as his second wife. So couple of things; Daemon was always honorable, no matter what he refused to act against his half brother and refused to do anything harmful towards him despite being pushed to for most of his life. He was loved by the people and it was clear nearly everyone loved him not only because of his chivalry but because of his honor, prowess in battle and beauty. So it makes no sense he would change his mind because of his wishes were denied. Speaking do his wishes, why on earth would Daemon ask for Denaerys as his second wife? Not only was it clear to everyone at that time that it was illegal and looked down upon by the faith to do but Daemon being his father's son would have known better than anyone that if you have interest in someone you could simply bed them instead of choosing marriage. Bittersteel and the anti dornish factions in the realm no doubt pushed him to act against his half brother, Bittersteel was ambitious and was a rival to the kings spymaster but whatever sway he had for Daemon it clearly was not able to push him to pressing his claim.

So tl dr; I genuinely believe Daemon blackfyre was set up by Bloodraven in order to stop a potential bloody conflict in the future. Perhaps bloodraven knew Daemon was getting more and more popular across the realm, or perhaps he saw a future conflict between the many descendants of Daemon blackfyre as posing a major threat to the royal family. After all Daemon had many many Children with Rohanne of Tyrosh and had already began to make alliances with bittersteel. Imagine if he married his many children to great lords across the realm and with that great alliance they Usurp the Targeryens sort of like the great Stark-Tully-Baratheon-Arryn alliance that took down Aerys.