Just heard The Reytons for the first time...

I really want to know what you UK Arctic Monkeys fans think about these guys.

I'm an American, so maybe it's gone under my radar. But this shit is pretty hilarious, if I'm putting it bluntly.

It's like they took the "I miss the old Arctic Monkeys" sentiment in the UK, and removed it of any and all character. Some of these songs legitimately sound like if you took WPSIATWIN (and a little FWN. I'll be generous) and passed it through an AI music program. It's like all the Creed/Puddle of Mudd type bands trying to do Nirvana, but without the whole troublesome "art" or "provocative" aspects.

Tell me what you think of them, UK friends. Maybe some of you like them and I'm totally off with my opinion