Successfully hiding alcohol from my girlfriend
I wouldn’t consider myself an “alcoholic” by societal standards really. I would more consider myself a binge drinker who has trouble stopping occasionally. Lately I have been hiding either wine, or tequila from my girlfriend and it’s starting to eat at me. She is an avid indulger of weed and she told me if I stopped drinking (mainly because it would cause random arguments between us occasionally) she would stop smoking, also for a tolerance break. I don’t lie, cheat, abuse, or manipulate her, I think I am a decent partner who supports my girlfriend in any way I can, when I can, but I hate myself for doing this now…I very recently quit my job as a GM due to training issues out of my control, and my cat almost died yesterday so there’s that to add on my constant reasons to continue drinking.
Obviously what I’m doing isn’t right…but, I wanted to ask the great users of Reddit, am I really that bad of a guy? Please let me know as thorough as y’all can.