Can everyone write down their favourite 'hack', hobby, etc that has helped their life tremendously in regard to ADHD?

One of mine:

  • i use the ios reminder app religiously, I have 4 folders for work, routined reminders (that include taking vitamins, exercise, stuff that you do everyday, or once a week/month.), then a miscellaneous one and finally one where I just write some affirmations and set it for the future to read when feeling down/unmotivated.

I commented a more detailed explanation here:

  • keep a bottle of micellar water and cotton wipes on bedside table whenever you feel too tired to wash your face before bed.

  • drink one glass of water before sleeping and always set a second alarm (preferably in an actual clock) and keep it away so you actually have to get up. Once you do and with the water you will have to pee as soon as you do get up and that will help you out of bed. Make your bed as soon as you are done in the washroom, try to make it a habit by forcing yourself (is a bit annoying but worth it).

Update: I want to thank all of you lovely individuals! I have learnt so much from this post. Appreciate each and every one of you.