Question for my xennial friends that are in decent physical shape.
I turned 44 this year and am trying to feel physically better. I've made some progress - I can jog (old man shuffle) 2 miles without stopping about 5 times a week, I try to climb the stairs at work when I get a break instead of doom scrolling. I'm trying to eat better, but I think I need to focus on my mental health for me to really be able to improve what and how much I eat and start to lose weight (I'm about 6'7", 275lbs).
What else should I be doing to feel physically better? What stretches can I be doing to not end up like my parents that struggle to get off the couch or tie their shoes?
What are some small things I can do throughout the day that will pay bigger dividends in the long run?
Also, for extra credit, any success stories from anyone that made great strides in improving their health at this stage of life will be greatly appreciated.
ETA: Thanks everyone for the tips and encouragement! I don't have time to respond to everyone, although I wish I could.
The most popular suggestions look like yoga and strength training. I will look into trying to incorporate both of those into my routine - you know how it is, it never feels like there's time to add, so it will take some time and thought to figure that out.
I appreciate the concern about me running at my size and how it could potentially lead to injury. I totally get it, and I used it as a reason not to jog for decades. But I have never in my life been able to run 2 miles non stop, and I am super proud of myself for getting here over the past few months. Since I don't love running I doubt I will continue it long term, but I am going to ride this wave as long as it carries me. It gets me up and out of the house almost every morning. When I get tired/bored of it I'll definitely take up cycling as that used to be something I enjoyed in my younger days.
Regarding losing weight, I have had a lot of success just from counting calories. In fact, that's been the only success I've had. But it took a lot of mental energy to keep it up over the 6-9 months that I did it, and this has been a very mentally and emotionally taxing year for me. I don't think I have the mental energy to start it up just yet. But the good news is that the exercising I am doing is helping me get to a space where I can at least consider the calories again.
Thanks again, everyone!