Trashy community?
I stopped playing WoW a couple of expansions ago and today I have decided to try it out again. Got a character to level 10 and excitedly joined a random (Dragonflight) dungeon. After a bit of a wait I got into one, had a long load screen but got in and it was only me and a rogue.
So while waiting we managed to clear the mobs up to the first boss (we died a few times) we tried the boss and failed. So I decided to teleport out and hand in a quest while I wait for a group to reform. As soon as I finished watching a short cinematic I noticed a group was now formed. So as soon as I TP in I got instant votekicked. No one even asked if I'm coming back etc. Now I am stuck with a 30 minute dungeon cool down because of idiots that apparently lack the skill of communication and have the patience of a peanut.
Is the whole WoW community just so full of this trash people now days with no patience?