I can’t control myself
I am very aware that the obvious answer to my post is “just stop eating and take control”… but I literally can’t. I am late 20s and weigh 310 lbs. When I was younger I was super tall for my age and at a normal weight but my mom always called me fat, so I’ve never really had confidence. That led to major body image issues all my life. Growing up everything was very restricted so when I went to college I ballooned. Now here I am at a scary weight and I have no motivation to fix it. Everyday I start with good intentions to eat right and then it goes down hill at the end of the day. I grab fast food, sweets, or junk food. Sometimes it’s out if craving and sometimes it’s just boredom. I just eat whatever I want and there’s no control. I sometimes get in good habits but my consistency is so bad because I lack accountability. I know I need to go exercise but I just don’t. I have wished all my life to be skinny yet I do nothing to change. If anyone is going through the same I’d love some advice. If you want to call me lazy, you aren’t wrong.