Need feedback on my first list

Hello all, I’m new to 40K and new to Nids. As the first army I’m looking to actually play, I wanted something that will work but still be fun; this list was my best shot.

My thoughts here are lictors and leapers deploying near objectives for turn 1 points off objectives. Same story for the genestrealers and brood dude. Biovore is in to push mines out in far reaches of the table for secondaries, and the gargoyles are screening and/ objectives.

Turn 2 mawlocs deep strike in (my understanding is they can all come in the same turn?) near leaper/lictor groups, and exocrines are there to support from a distance.

Basically leave exocrines, biovore in the back field for fire support, push infiltrators and scouts out early for turn 1 objectives, screen with ripper swarm gargoyles and mines. Mawlocs deep strike in turn 2 hoping for battle shock, neurolictors profit off of that. Hit things and OC the rest of the game.

Swarmlord was mostly included to be a tanky warlord and for the free CP every turn.


Hello all, I’m new to 40K and new to Nids. As the first army I’m looking to actually play, I wanted something that will work but still be fun; this list was my best shot.

My thoughts here are lictors and leapers deploying near objectives for turn 1 points off objectives. Same story for the genestrealers and brood dude. Biovore is in to push mines out in far reaches of the table for secondaries, and the gargoyles are screening and/ objectives.

Turn 2 mawlocs deep strike in (my understanding is they can all come in the same turn?) near leaper/lictor groups, and exocrines are there to support from a distance.

Basically leave exocrines, biovore in the back field for fire support, push infiltrators and scouts out early for turn 1 objectives, screen with ripper swarm gargoyles and mines. Mawlocs deep strike in turn 2 hoping for battle shock, neurolictors profit off of that. Hit things and OC the rest of the game.

Swarmlord was mostly included to be a tanky warlord and for the free CP every turn.
