I don‘t have any friends and don‘t know why
The title says it all. I (13F) actually do not have any friends.
I know I‘m young but I‘ve been going to school for 8 (nearly 9) years and yet still do not have any friends. I wouldn‘t describe myself as necessarily introverted. I would call myself an ambivert. I always listen to people when they talk to me and I try to be as nice as possible. Always.
The only friends I ever had were 2 girls I met in primary school. Let‘s call them Amy and Natalie. I met Amy in first grade. We immediately clicked. She genuinely was one of the nicest people I‘ve ever met. We spent every Minute in school together. A year later, we also got closer with Natalie. We became a trio. The popular Rumor that Trios don‘t work wasn‘t true at all. No one was ever excluded and we loved each other. One day, Amy had to move. Natalie and Me were devastated. We slowly lost Contact with Amy. I mean, which primary school student had a phone? We had no possibility to contact her.
Since we live in Germany, we had to switch schools when we were in grade four. Natalie and me then went to two separate secondary schools. Since Natalie had a learning disability we weren‘t able to go to the same secondary school. That‘s when everything went downhill. Natalie and I didn‘t manage to keep in touch, so at last, I was left alone.
I knew no one in my new class. I tried to talk to some of my classmates and make friends. But they either ignored me or just straight up laughed at me. I became an outcast. Not even the other outcasts desire to befriend me. It‘s seriously devastating. The guys make fun of my looks and the girls don‘t dare to talk to me at all. I don‘t know why that is.
I‘ve always acted nice and humble and never fought with anyone. But still, somehow, I‘m invisbile and nobody wants to befriend me. Is it because of my looks? Yea I may not be Bella Hadid herself and also am kinda chubby but I don‘t think it‘s that bad. Is it because of the way I speak? I talk like everyone else. The way I act? I always try to be as humble, casual and nice as I can.
I‘ve been depressed for a long time. I was never popular amongst boys but not even the girls wanting to befriend me just terrifies me. I don‘t know what is wrong with me. I tried eating less and exercising so I became skinnier, I changed the way I speak and act to look more casual and approachable, I tried everything bit still nobody wants to be my friend. I have no idea how I should keep going. My Home Life is horrible (that‘s another story) and now I‘m left with no friends too? I have no one and it breaks me more every day. Any Advice?