Word for people who won't experience the EOs?

Since the Executive Order about transgender federal documents, I have seen a sizeable number of people post on the "passports" sub as well as on other subs and other locations on the internet claiming to have gotten "trans passports"... except once you read their actual post, there is a noticeable amount of people who haven't and often don't intend on having surgeries, no hormones, and they haven't changed their genders on any of their documents.

To put this into context for anyone who doesn't know what is currently going on in the USA, those of us who have made these changes are scared stiff right now thinking

  1. the gov is making lists of people who have changed genders (this is already happening in Texas and passport offices, according to current passport workers on Reddit) via Social Security Administration records, passport office records, state ID card records, tax records and other locations.
  2. the federal gov is trying to force clinics to close or stop offering trans hormones and surgeries for people 19 and younger.
  3. the gov can legally revoke our passports at any time, which they did for a couple decades in the past to suspected communists.
  4. the gov can declare our changed documents as fraudulent or obtained by giving false information. They have already done this to some trans people who attempted to apply for or renew passports, as well as to some naturalized US citizens and some second generation immigrants.

There are already multiple separate organizations (Lemkins Institute, AFA Alaska and a few others I forget) which have declared the US is in the first stages of a transgender genocide. If you have read Project 2025, Agenda 47, Project Russia, etc, you know how accurate or inaccurate those plans are to what the federal government is doing right now. Russia is also taking steps forward (making lists of transgender people, banning cis women who have higher than normal testosterone levels under the same laws as banning transgender people from playing sports, etc, and citing Trump as they do so).

I personally feel that people who call themselves transgender, but who do not intend on surgeries or hormones and don't mind using their AGAB on their documents, are going to experience this war very differently from the rest of us. Anyone who is not on a gov trans list or who can order their passport in their birth gender without feeling physically nauseous is not on the same page as me.

I really need a word I can use to describe "transitioned" vs "non-transitioning" people in conversation which won't piss off the "non-transitioning" as I lay out my opinions. "Pre-transition" doesn't work because they don't seem to be planning on medical transitions. "Genderqueer" doesn't work because they insist these people are "transgender". Unlike what is in medical documents, I can't use "cross-sex" or "transsexual" either.

Any ideas?