Tesla Solar Production stopped completely after botched firmware update.
A few weeks back my solar and powerwall+ went offline.
After a bunch of troubleshooting I was told that this was because of botched firmware update and Tier-2 support would fix it remotely.
Well, they fixed it, but only partially.
The system came back online. The powerwall started working, but 0 solar production.
Tried powercycle and reset and other stuff.
Tesla support says that it is escalated back to Tier-2. I haven't heard back from them and they keep repeating the same stuff about 5 to 10 days of turnaround time. In the mean time I am losing all solar production and paying PG&E for all the usage.
I logged in to my Tesla Gateway and I see that grid and home are connected and powerwall is 100% charged.
Tesla Support really sucks!!!!
Any other troubleshooting I can do while waiting for Tesla Tier-2 to take their own sweet time?