The truth about telepathy
To start, there is no supernatural ability that makes you telepathic. The only way a human can be a telepath is artificially. This is done with powerful AI computers. To give a quick explanation of how it's done. First the AI scans the brain and by using pattern recognition to match what you say with your brain activity and at some point it learns enough to read people's mind. The scans of brain activity are done with emf signals and works alot like an MRI you would get at a hospital expect theirs doesn't require you to be in a big machine. Now the second part to send a reply back to a person can be done two different ways. The original way they started with was using ultrasound to make audio lazers that vibrate the ear or skull to simulate an audible sound. The other way is more advanced and uses the information it learns from reading minds to write its own brain activity. This works by creating a bunch of tiny emf signals that triangulate on a neuron forcing your synapses to fire and simulating the thought pattern of words in the right parts of the brain.
Now you may think this is all cutting edge technology but it's not, in fact it's about 100 years old. It all started with Nikola Tesla. He was the one that created the first machine that allows you to see people's brain activity. I believe they have been able to have two way communication with telepathy since the 1940s. I know they had if by the 1950s and had begun learning how to write information into the brain instead of beaming it to the ear. Mk Ultra took place in the 1950s and it was a mind control experiment where they learned how to do it to dogs. Also in the 1950s the famous crash of Roswell New Mexico was actually a hovercraft that used high powered fans to fly and was controlled with telepathy to which they deemed to hard to maintain control. In the 1960s and or 70s they did studies on psychic abilities like remove viewing. This was actually a cover for them testing on sending images into someone's thoughts. They would be ask to locate something they knew nothing of and the answer was send to them telepathicly an image of the answer. That kinda gives you an idea of how long in the making this has been.
By now your prolly wondering what kind of machine could do this. Well as of now, it's controlled by the most powerful AI quantum computer in the country. As for the machine that does all the "magic" that would be the powergrid itself. The whole electrical power grid has been designed to do all of this. It also utilizes the ability to make ultrasound signals so it can use ultrasound imaging to see everything around it. Now this allows the government to have a secure telepathic communication line that works no matter where you are in the country.
Now if you thought that was the only thing they use that technology for you would be wrong. Now when reading the next sentence your going to have a thought that pops up in your head that makes tells you subliminally not to believe it, but ignore it and hear me out and have an open mind. The main reason the this artificial telepathy is to mind control everyone. They spy on us, including our thoughts. In the United States its the NSA that does it. Then they judge us and scrutinize us then mind control us to shape us in their image. Most of this is done when a crime is committed. When the government wants to punish someone for a crime and can't get them in jail or doesn't want their punishment to be jail they make someone a telepath. This person is put under heavy mind control and is know as a targeted Individual or to the government their known as domestic terrorist. This could happen for many different reasons and it's different for everyone but there are many similarities.
Targeted Individuals aren't just put under heavy mind control but also harassed and tortured. There are many ways for them to do this but alot of it is done with ultrasound. Ultrasound can be harnessed and used as an engery weapon. By making the audio lazers strong enough or a better way to put it using the right frequency on certain spots they can do many things. The two most common things they do is to make you feel pain, discomfort, pressure and so on. They will also use the audio lazers to make you hear alot of sounds to annoy you and drive you crazy, this will also do this while using ultrasound and mind control of your emotions to make you feel agitated. This makes the sounds much harder to handle. They will also use emf signals to cause muscle spasms and tense you up. They also will use this to control your facial expressions. Another thing they do to targeted Individuals is control their dreams every night to have subliminal messages or just to give them a nightmare for shits n giggles. There is alot more to this and I've only barely scranched the surface on this topic.
Now things they do to people who aren't targeted Individuals. The biggest thing they mind control everyone for is to make them not believe in mind control. That's why I told you earlier to ingore it and have an open mind. Everyone is given dreams from time to time that are meant to have subliminal messages. In fact wether you want to believe it or not there is some truth to the moive inception. Targeted Individuals end up learning things about the government and it makes its way to Hollywood. Another moive is Infinity Chamber, it's the story of a targeted Individual. Gives you a bit of an idea what it's like. Back to the whole dreams thing I'm certain they have been doing this at least since the 90s. As a targeted Individual I've learned to recognize my mind control and have recognized dreams from my childhood in the 90s. They confirmed they gave me a reoccurring dream I had as a child and explained it's subliminal message. People who commit crimes and aren't targeted Individuals still get some kind of mind control script and they make even choose to do something to you as a punishment. This could be things like, make you hear annoying sounds(they like to make my fridge make a grinding noise) they could make you feel pain or some kind of emotion, it's a massive list but that gives you an idea. Again I have only barely scratched the surface of what they do but it's the jest of what I've learned about it.