Parent threatening to sue the school because her son can’t play basketball due to grades
I teach 6th grade, and this year our admin is cracking down on behavior and grades. We have a new principal this year (although she worked at our school before so we all knew her) and she’s very “no-nonsense.” It’s good so far. So anyway, admin is implementing rules about playing sports this year. It’s on a week by week basis, and basically students cannot play that week if they have any of the following: - an F in any class - two D’s - more than one missing assignment for any class. - any detentions that week
Parents and students were told about this new policy last month, but next week it’s starting for real as basketball really gets underway. Our VP (who is also athletic director) is mainly handling this, thank God. One of our 6th graders is failing pretty much every subject, does nothing, sleeps and farts all day, and is generally unpleasant. But he thinks he’s God’s gift to basketball and so does his mom. When he was told by the VP this week that he would have to sit out the first game of the season due to grades/behavior, he threw a fit and insisted it wasn’t fair. Mom is the same way- she’s livid, says this is “coming out of nowhere,” and is now insisting that this is illegal and she’s going to sue the school for racial discrimination. She and her son are black, but interestingly enough our VP is also a black man. So…yeah, sure lady, go ahead and sue. See where it gets you 😆