Rhythm of War is Awesome

I finished Rhythm of War for the first time today with like 2 weeks to spare until Winds and Truth release!!!!

Someone please tell me how this book managed to make me tear up in literally EVERY chapter from the second half of part 4 until the end.

Since these 4 books (and Edgedancer) are the only books I've read so far from the Cosmere, I was hoping someone with a little more knowledge could clue me in on what I should be expecting when book 5 comes out. I've been trying to avoid spoilers for other Cosmere books so it's hard to google something like this. Obviously this is a huge RAFO moment but, as an example, was Shallan hinting at going offworld in the last part of this book? Should I be expecting her to explore another world in book 5 because that would be awesome.

Some things I'm curious about:

- that Shallan offworld thing above

- are people expecting lots of the major characters to die? because this would break my heart. I know the second half of the series focuses on other characters but is the fanbase anticipating a lot of death?

- do people think the war will end, at least in part, in book 5?

- do people know who odium's champion will be? If there's a general consensus theory, I'm fine being "spoiled" by that

- will kaladin finally be happy lol

- what is investiture? the way I'm reading it is just "magic" that is cosmere-wide, not specific to Roshar.

- similar to above --> is surgebinding specific to Roshar? obviously it existed on the planet the humans came from, but like could someone in Mistborn (I haven't read it) planet use surgebinding?

Again I know these things are RAFO I'm just so excited to finally be caught up and feel like I can participate in the excitement for book 5 lol.