How cheesy is Beerus?

I've been playing him recently since he's one of my favourite characters in DB, but multiple times now I've had people message me mad about using him.

He is definitely quite strong, but I do feel like he's a decent step below characters like UI/MUI, SSJ4 Gogeta, SSJ4 Goku, Full Power Jiren, Broly, and some other fusions. He basically only has 1 skill since it's near impossible to actually use sleep in a match since it takes so long. Not to say he isn't cheesy, don't get me wrong he still is with an unblockable ult and instant sparking, but like I said, I consider him less cheesy than the top cheesiest of the game. I feel like him and Hit are about the same level, with Beerus taking a slight edge due to more health.

I main Kid Buu and Beerus feels a bit stronger because he has more health and does more damage. It lets me be more competitive against the numerous Beast and MUIs we all go against time and time again. Maybe there is some tech that I don't know of that's cheese but I'm pretty bad at the game so I'm not aware or using this tech. I just love Beerus and will still play him but