4th attempt pass
I still can't believe it. A year and a half I spent failing and studying for it to all end in victory. I had absolutely no finance background, I worked in medicine. I got hired on with a firm, passed the SIE the first try and then failed the 7 three times. Let go from my firm I decided to do everything else on my own. I got my Life, Health, and Sickness license as well as my Variable Products license. Then I studied up for the 66, which I failed 3 times by 1-2 points each time. Downtrodden, I had to kill my ego and learn how to study the right way. Then I passed the 63 and 65, first time. I got rehired by my firm and just passed the 7 about an hour ago. Huge thanks to Capital Advantage Tutoring! Seriously couldn't have done it without Ken. If I can pass so can you!!!