Porting Regrets

TL;DR I got an RA to port a voucher from a neighboring county of Portland Oregon to San Diego County. I’m here and regret the decision fully. I fear this move has made my mental and physical health worse but I’ve spent so much time, energy, and money on this move. I found an apartment here in SD and they’re processing the RFTA. I just want to go back to Oregon but there’s no guarantee if they could port it back after all the extensions I’ve exhausted. Do I give it a few months then get an RA if it’s that bad?

I made the decision to move back to Socal where I’m from originally so I could be closer to family and old friends. I also somehow thought it would help me get out of the hole I’ve been in but I think this move just dug me deeper. I started the port of a new voucher I got in Oregon with an RA and was so confident about my decision to move back to socal in spite of it not making sense for me. I love Oregon and need slower paced but somehow I got too nostalgic about family and how it used to be. The port process started over the summer and I still felt good about it although in hindsight I now recognize there were signs of me stalling on paperwork etc. Things really took a turn when my health tanked and I started the agonizing flip flopping of leaving Portland or moving to Socal. I was so afraid to lose my voucher because I had already changed my mind about an apartment initially and the HA was not pleased. I pushed through with my decision because at this point, I’d already filed extensions in San Diego and started the exhaustive moving process, put in my 30 days at my subsidized housing etc. All logic said I should stay, especially with my health and doctors but I had nowhere to go and so many arrangements (health insurance, auto insurance, u-haul ubox, etc etc) had been made. I felt sick to my stomach about it not being the right thing to do but the other option was potential homelessness. So now I’m in San Diego and it’s been a week. I hate it and want to go back to Portland. I found an apartment here and if approved will have a year lease. I just don’t know if I can survive here for a year, but I also already spent so much money on this move. I know I should give it time and find new doctors etc but I’m terrified. I left a good support system and doctors in Portland for family that is not as supportive as I initially thought.