One MC enjoys carrying the other around.

One MC enjoys/likes carrying the other around, even if they don't admit want to admit it.


{Axrel by Olivia Riley} Currently reading this, and it's not really a spoiler, but she gets hurt and he has to carry her around. He even makes a sling to carry her around in.

{The Librarian and the Orc by Finley Fenn} John complains about Rosa being a feeble human but spends a significant portion of the book carrying her around like my SO does with our cat.

{Barbarian's Mate by Ruby Dixon} Haeden carries Josie around a lot of the second half of the book, and there's even spice while he carries her

{An Ill-Made Match by Alice Coldbreath} I think this is the one where he carries her around the keep even though she protests? Not sure.

Thank you in advance.