Dating advice cliches are also ruining modern dating.

Look I know nothing is truly original when you think about it, heck even regular advice on pretty much anything else isn’t that original but its so horribly bad when it’s advice about dating there is just too many cliches you’ve heard a billion times over and over again for decades now.

Part of the reason the likes of the red pill got so huge was because men got so sick of the cliches, even if some of them are actually true and might somewhat work it’s just too cliche for people to really consider and this is more so advice given to single males rather than single females because men just struggle way more in the dating scene than women do.

Here are some lovely highlights of typical dating advice cliches you’ve most definitely heard.

Be Yourself: yeah except if you’re being yourself and you get dismissed anyway then what???

Put Yourself Out There: this one’s a classic I’m sure you’ve all heard, apparently dating is like professional acting or singing you just need to put yourself out there more someone will discover you eventually right???

Find a hobby: yeah this is another classic doing a hobby is a way to meet people I’m sure but unless you do a hobby that’s most likely feminine like sewing or knitting you’ll just meet more men which is good for friendships but that’s it plus what person doesn’t have a hobby even gaming is a hobby yet they’re still in the same predicament hobby or not.

Go to Singles Events: these are insanely awkward and if you’re already having trouble approaching women then you’re still in the same predicament except more people are going to witness you cowering in the corner not talking to women, so it just doesn’t do much.

Go to Bars and Clubs: see the last point

Love Yourself First: what in the hippie dippie nonsense is this advice, love yourself first? is this just another way of saying have confidence sure yeah be confident and then what you magically succeed what if you’re confident but you have a broad nose or a unibrow or a round face with far apart eyes that confidence can only take you so far this is advice for your own wellbeing not for dating so keep it there.

Be More Interested in Womanly Things: I don’t disagree with this one as much because as men we really despise things aimed at girls growing up calling N’Sync and Backstreet Boys gaylords is a good example of that, remember all the hate Bieber got back in the day yeah but even so this is only good advice to keep an existing relationship otherwise this thing is just friendzone bait “oh babe I love your perfume let me guess Dior right I knew it that’s one of my favourites darling”

Have Female Friends: the friendzone is real people and you can be in the zone for years and years like one of my friends.

Know The Love Languages: this is stuff that’s very popular right now which is love languages, emotional intelligence, spiritually connecting etc etc. ladies if men use these methods on you they’re finessing you we really don’t care about any of this stuff it’s just that you do hence why we pretend.

Men this stuff doesn’t work anymore it’s not 1986 nobody uses this strategy to get into women’s pants, retire it.

These cliches are insanely overused and are seen as the best sort of dating advice to give in my opinion this stuff has overstayed its welcome.