End Day...

For the last 2.9 yrs for some reason ( I can't be stuffed going into reasons ) BUT I was supposed to be taken on my 40th birthday and tortured till I was 80.... that came and went with no event.. so then I was forced to focus on my 41st birthday thinking YAY, they gave me another year.. low and behold my 41st came and went.. I thought " Shit - Wow! " so then started focusing on other dates throughout the year.. Ie: Mothers day, fathers day, Halloween , valentines day, family and friends birthday.. anything representative off anything.. any major or significant dates... thinking the taking of me on such dates woukd be a poetic justice... Sooooo

Today's my 42nd Birthday today ppl..I have 4 hours and 18 minutes left...

I guess I'm telling you this because I'm unsure If I'll be able to post tomorrow morning and say " Yay " I survived another year, or whether I have had my time and have been taken by malevolent forces. If you hear no comment from me tomorrow, then you know my psychosis was far from that. It was a torment and torture from supreme beings and my time here on earth is over. I've been taken to god knows where and I have ceased to exist in the mortal realm. Whilst I know many of you have questions regarding your psychosis... I hope to be able to provide you with some validity tomorrow.. on the off chance I dont, and am not here to post something substantial on my thoughts and opinions on it all I wish you all well in your continuous exploration of why and how we have these voices tormenting us. What is psychosis, what is extremely real to us and what can be answered with logical explanations..

To my fellow voice hearing community., I pray that I am able to post tomorrow with some more thoughts on the matter...

If not... farewell and my heartfelt condolences to you that have lost a small, medium or large part of your mind, body and soul to this awful disease.. or in some cases.. pure reality of what your going through, that could and possibly be as real as the ground you stand on, the oxygen you breath or the blood that flows through your veins!