I ejaculate so quickly and it’s embarrassing and i don’t know what to do
Whenever I have intercourse, I usually cum within like a couple seconds, meaning like within 10 seconds. Even if i masturbate before, it doesn’t change anything. It makes me much less aroused, but doesn’t really change the time it takes for me to cum. I tried wearing a condom (even the numbing ones), and still came within seconds. I see people here complaining about 1 minute, like that’s literally a dream for me lol.
The first time i have ever had sex, i literally came while putting the condom on. I think i was just really aroused and excited. Thankfully that hasn’t happened anymore since.
The only good thing going for me is that I can stay hard even after cumming, so i can keep on going for a long time, which makes my girl happy.
I don’t know if it’s because of my chronic masturabation that’s lasted since middle school, or if it’s just genetics. But i’m too embarrassed to go to a doctor, and besides i’m scared my mom will see my business.