So what to write about Where to start with my words Maybe something small like
Or maybe something big like
No both or to unreasonable Maybe just a word that describes the mood Ya that it a word that describes the mood Let me see
Thats definitely a word that describes a mood Now just to write a poem about that word Can't be that hard right
Where to begin I could make movie references Good morning and in case I don't see you again Good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight - The Truman Show
I could add metaphors Curiosity killed the cat
I could even make it rhyme Cat in the hat
So many option How about I just stick with
For now at least So I wonder what to write about
Ya thats it that's the line Alright now to share it to the world
Hi world by the way Sorry I gave you a fright with Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia And sorry I did it again
I know unreasonable Like trying to explain the fact Who's on first But we're not talking about unreasonable Back to
What the most curious thing to write about
A cat A child A scientist
So many option Wait it's a poem It can just be about
Right yes I remember Ok back to the future So remember a poem about
Where do I even begin