Comfort Zone
Black out Power out Space out
I really need to break out I'm asking for my 30 minutes I'm asking for my lunch break
Let me go Let me leave Let me think
I'm to tired For this For that
I can't think anymore Can't do simple math I can't figure out what stopping me
Your you I'm me Why does that matter
Let's just figure this out Go back to checkers Besides I'm tired of see people as pawns
Can't think Can't sleep Can't stop
Time! I wish it was slower I wish it would speed up
Get me out of this box Pandora's box Think outside the box
Isn't that just simple Figuring it all out How to do the impossible
Tell me Show me Need me
A waste of time After all it's only as long as you live Yet decides to go on to forget
Do you know how to draw Circle I'm really good at tracing my own
Patterns or a pain Only thing that purposely repeats Why would anything want to repeat
Over and over Again and Again Forever and forever
Wake up Bright and early Up and ad'em
You got this No reason to be stuck As long as you have remember to take the blue pill
That way you can remain Here in the safest of places Real life