Announcing My [Temporary] Departure From Pioneer

Hello everyone, hope you're doing well!

I come before you with some relatively unfortunate news, as of today I am stepping away from Pioneer. Before everyone starts spamming, "This isn't an airport, no need to announce your departure:)", this isn't a rage post- I am just unable to currently play the format. The only reason I am announcing this here is I know there are a few people who look forward to my Spirit's posts and this is the only way I know to reach them.

With that said, why am I exiting Pioneer? There's reasons:

  1. The ability to play my main deck, Spirits, has been extremely shafted/gutted with the recent BNR and changes in the format. I currently do not want to relearn a new deck and even if I did I couldn't because-
  2. I can't play Pioneer right now. With the unbanning of Smugglers Copter I can no longer see Arena's Explorer format as an adequate representation of Pioneer. Important cards like Hidden Strings and Oath of Nissa have never been on Arena but the existence of these cards would only further boost my Spirit's win% so it didn't bother me. Copter however is extremely prevalent in a very close matchup, Rakdos, and the impact it would have against Spirits is quite large. I normally could shore up these differences by adding my experiences at the LGS and Cockatrice level but the scene there has also all but dried up as well.

It is unfortunate that I will be taking a break from Pioneer but I do plan to return if/when Hidden Strings, Copter, and other relevant Pioneer cards come to Arena. I feel that if I continued to advise people on how to play a deck at this time with my limited information and experience it would be doing a disservice to the community and as such I will not continue to do so. No hard feelings:)

My plan now is to play Standard but it's honestly hard to find good places for legitimate advice because most of my google searches are from people who have never stepped foot in or 0-8 GP's.

Hope you have a good one