“Unranked to GM” videos are stupid and just show top players smurfing
Even if it’s called “EdUcaTIonAL unranked to GM” it’s still stupid. There’s nothing educational about top 500 players playing in Silver, there’s nothing to learn. It’s just 1000s of hrs of mechanical skill against casual players.
So many YouTubers do this and it’s ruining a lot of ow content, at least for me. I don’t support smurfing and “unranked to GM” is the worst form of it. YouTubers try and make it sound like it’s not by adding “educational” or playing off meta hero’s, but it doesn’t matter. A GM mercy can kill any player Gold and under it’s not even fun to watch (Defran, the worst offender). I just saw Kenzo make a video about Widow Unranked to GM, and damn do I feel bad for those silvers that have to go up against one of the best widows. It’s pretty much game over right when the match starts.
Seeing a top 500 players go from Unranked to GM isn’t even impressive. Like wow, you played against players SIGNIFICANTLY worse than you and got to your normal rank. Congratulations for ruining countless low elo players games.
FYI, YOU CAN DO EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS IN YOUR OWN RANK OR IN QUICK PLAY. There’s absolutely no reason to ruin hundreds of games for people. In fact, I would love to watch education videos in the top elo, people would learn something by watching pros play against pros. Watching pros play against casuals is stupid.