Demi Moore's last speech

I know that a lot of people are rooting for her, but I really disliked her last speech. Seemed like she was trying to guilt trip people into voting for her, the whole "recognition of her work is the remedy for the problem in the film" thing is just so weird, really, it just is. And people will let her get away with it or even defend her, but saying that giving her an award (Obviously she was talking about any women in her position, but in this case it is her, so she is only doing it to provoke a reaction that will directly affect her not necessarily other women) is the path towards the cure of the film's issue is really self-important and incorrect, but it is probably calculated, so it's not like she's saying it because it's right. And, before defending her know that I am not criticizing her as a person but the way that she handled this last speech.