Of sensitive hearts
Oh this melancholic heart of mine
With the flesh of an overripe peach
You bruised so easily when you fell from the tree
Did they forget to pick you
When the sun rose overhead
And the days lengthened like years
Worry not, my gentle heart
It is warm where you are now
In the soil of the mother
Let her nourish your tender skin
In the shelter of the tree from whence you came
And the days will turn to nights
And the moon will light your path
When all other lights go out
And the Earth shall hold all of you
When you cannot bear to hold it
Let her witness how your heart breaks
How your skin bruises
When the wilds of spring and summer
Feed on your wholeness
When the winters of your soul
Blacken your weary skies
Let the Earth hold you
Now and forevermore
My feedback comments:
I wrote this poem whilst listening to On The Nature Of Daylight by Max Richter if you want to feel the vibe I was in when writing it lol