What should i do… im really confused..
I met this girl online and we started talking going on dates. She lives 5 min away from my home its been 4 months we’ve talked held each others hand went on cafes , we haven’t gotten too physical . When i ask her are we in relationship she says no and i ask her to send exact location of where she is living in on snap but she refuses saying “ man lagdaina send garna” even we live close to each other aba i dont know if i scare her ki ill come in her house but its been more than 4 months so i feld i should know where she lives. Ani when i ask her am i your bf or are we on relation she says no. Ani i get angry and she says she misses me and so on. What do you think i should do. I need your help. I am looking for relationship and im really confused about her