I will never solo que again

I only have 3 expectations when playing teams being, Help each other (pings and not stealling items), being able to handle yourself, and don't leave until im in a situation where I wont be able to, or atleast wait 5 minutes if I don't have more than 1 rez card or I'm fighting for the box. THATS IT, WE DONT EVEN HAVE TO LAND TOGEHTER, JUST GET A REZ CARD OR SOMETHING, OR A TEAM HEAL, OR JUST SURVIVE. For example me and my team landed 30 seconds away from each other, and I was fine because we could all handle ourselves.

Until I got into some trouble with a kacchan (rapid bakugo) and I was going against him extreme diff with kendo, so tell my why I pinged the place, my mirio teamate was just grinding for items, when I was right there obviously struggling, no he decided to have me basically keep off the kacchan while he took all the items from the area. Then he finnaly interacted when the battle was almost over and he took my down, like...you could obviously see I was struggling based off my health.

AFTER THAT SITUATION, a shigiraki took my team heals like he was the one saving the flipping civilians and that back fired becuase once we revived the mirio, since I was in a safe area, they both died becuase I didn't have any team heals and I couldn't get them without being downed...GREAT.

Then I have to not only take on a strike deku, but also take on a strike kirishima and denki, so I got there pieces, then I fought the strike deku in storm so that made it easier and the kirshima and denki I was able to maneuver around them. THEN I REVIVED THEM AGAIN

Tell me why Mirio was spamming "I need to level up my quirk skill beta" KNOWING I USED THE BETA CARD TO GET OUT OF THE STORM BRO SHUT UP! Shigiraki was still being selfish, THEN WE GET JUMPED, and while I'm trying to retreat, I thought we where all retreating, right...WRONG we where all not, Mirio was trying to go 3-0 like it was marvel rivals and he was spider-man, and shigiraki wanted to stay in a building, WHEN WE COULD'VE RAN THE HECK AWAY. So then I go save them (thank gosh this was the same team that downed them before because they where scared to fight me and people are always more scared of me when I fight them with kendo)

So after getting away from that, unfortunately I got jumped, and wheres my team when I was downed, I was expecting the mirio to cover me with his beta...He let me die, and went once I died he came back and tried to get me and also died, but the sad part is that, he could've activated his permeation and gotten me OR HEALED UP...he died so fast when he didn't have too. And shigiraki was doing something in west bumble frick and got downed too, WE HAD NO TEAMWORK NO ANYTHING, IM NEVER SOLO QUEING AGAIN! ( I will actually be solo queing again)

Note: Don't take anything I said seriously, this was actually a pretty funny match for me and I spent some time laughing about it !