It's finally over

I did it. I finally made it to bottom surgery 3 days ago. I can't believe it. All through the very little recovery I've had so far, it's been difficult to make it feel real. Especially when I'm distracted from it with my head being swimmy from the anesthesia, or the constant checks from doctors, nurses, aides. The pain management, which has been good, by the way. The incredible amount of tired I feel from poor sleep because I'm in a strange environment for myself and from the staff interruptions. The staff has all been so nice. I just keep remembering where I am and how my life is different now.

No more tucking

No more looming threat of testosterone

No more bulge

No more constant, neverending reminder of this part of me that needs to be hidden at all costs (it didn't lol. These are just my feelings. Those without bottom dysphoria or the desire to have surgery are every bit as valid being transgender and being a woman.)

I get to feel normal

I get to love my partner in a much more genuine and authentic way

Every step in this transition has only made me feel more confident in myself and who I am. It was my turn this week, but I really hope with all my heart that anyone who desires this kind of relief can get it, because you all deserve it. You deserve the opportunity to feel like you.