The query was rejected due to current capacity constraints

Hi there,

Looking to get input if other users have ever experienced this when querying a SQL Analytics Endpoint.

I'm using Fabric to run a custom SQL query in the analytics endpoint. After a short delay I'm met with this error every time. To be clear on a few things, my capacity is not throttled, bursting or at max usage. When reviewing capacity metrics app it's running very cold in fact.

The error I believe is telling me something to the effect of "this query will consume too many resources to run, so it won't be executed at all".

Advice in the Microsoft docs on this is literally to optimise the query and generate statistics on tables involved. But fundamentally this doesn't sit right with me.

This is why... In a trad SQL setup, if I run a query and it's just badly optimised and over tables with no indexes, I'd expect it to hog resources and take forever to run. But still run. This error implies that I have no idea whether a new query I want to execute will even be attempted, and makes my environment quite unusable as the fix is to iteratively run statistics, refector the sql code and amend table data types until it works?

Anyone agree?